The value of openness#


Required readings#

Goodman, S. N., Fanelli, D., & Ioannidis, J. P. (2016). What does research reproducibility mean?. Science translational medicine, 8(341), 341ps12-341ps12.

Sandve, G. K., Nekrutenko, A., Taylor, J., & Hovig, E. (2013). Ten simple rules for reproducible computational research. PLoS Comput Biol, 9(10), e1003285.

Supplemental reading: Gilmore, R. O., Diaz, M. T., Wyble, B. A., & Yarkoni, T. (2017). Progress toward openness, transparency, and reproducibility in cognitive neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1396(1), 5.

Lecture (Video)#

The value of openness

Slides (PDF)#

The value of openness